Archive Azure monitoring data
Create a storage account
First you need to set up a storage account to which the monitoring data will be archived. To do this, follow the steps here.
Route subscription logs to the storage account
You are now ready to begin to set up your Azure environment to route monitoring data to a storage account. First we configure subscription-level data (contained in the Azure Activity Log) to be routed to the storage account. The Azure Activity Log provides a history of subscription-level events in Azure. You can browse it in the Azure portal to determine who created, updated, or deleted what resources and when they did it.
Click the Monitor button found on the left-hand navigation list, then on Activity Log.
In the Activity Log section that is displayed, click on the Export button.
In the Export activity log section that appears, check the box for Export to a storage account and click Select a storage account.
In the section that appears, use the Storage account dropdown to select the name of the storage account you created in the preceding Create a storage accountstep, then click OK.
Set the Retention (days) slider to 30. This slider sets a number of days to retain the monitoring data in the storage account. Azure Monitor automatically deletes data older than the number of days specified. A retention of zero days stores the data indefinitely.
Click Save and close this section.
Monitoring data from your subscription is now flowing into the storage account.
Route resource data to the storage account
Now we configure resource-level data (resource metrics and diagnostic logs) to be routed to the storage account by setting up resource diagnostic settings.
Click the Monitor button found on the left-hand navigation list, then on Diagnostic Settings. Here you see a list of all resources in your subscription that produce monitoring data through Azure Monitor. If you do not have any resources in this list, you can create a logic app before proceeding so that you have a resource that you can configure a diagnostic setting on.
Click on a resource in the list, and then click Turn on diagnostics.
If there is already a setting configured, you instead see the existing settings, and a button to Add diagnostic setting. Click this button.
A resource diagnostic setting is a definition of what monitoring data should be routed from a particular resource and where that monitoring data should go.
In the section that appears, give your setting a name and check the box for Archive to a storage account.
Click on the Configure button under Archive to a storage account and select the storage account you created in the preceding section. Click OK.
Check all the boxes under Log and Metric. Depending on the resource type, you may only have one of these options. These checkboxes control what categories of log and metric data available for that resource type are sent to the destination you've selected, in this case, a storage account.
Set the Retention (days) slider to 30. This slider sets a number of days to retain the monitoring data in the storage account. Azure Monitor automatically deletes data older than the number of days specified. A retention of zero days stores the data indefinitely.
Click Save.
Monitoring data from your resource is now flowing into the storage account.
Sending multi-dimensional metrics via diagnostic settings is not currently supported. Metrics with dimensions are exported as flattened single dimensional metrics, aggregated across dimension values.
For example: The 'Incoming Messages' metric on an Event Hub can be explored and charted on a per queue level. However, when exported via diagnostic settings the metric will be represented as all incoming messages across all queues in the Event Hub.
Route virtual machine (guest OS) data to the storage account
If you do not already have a virtual machine in your subscription, create a virtual machine.
In the left-hand navigation list in the portal, click on Virtual Machines.
In the list of virtual machines that is displayed, click on the virtual machine you created.
In the section that appears, click on Diagnostic Settings on the left-hand navigation. This section enables you to set up the out-of-box monitoring extension from Azure Monitor on your virtual machine and route data being produced by Windows or Linux to a storage account.
Click Enable guest-level monitoring in the section that appears.
Once the diagnostic setting has correctly saved, the Overview tab shows a list of the data being collected and where it is being stored. Click on the Performance counters section to review the set of Windows performance counters being collected.
Click on the Logs tab and check the checkboxes for Information level logs on Application and System logs.
Click on the Agent tab and under Storage account click on the name of the storage account shown.
In the section that appears, pick the storage account you created in the preceding Create a storage account step.
Click Save.
Monitoring data from your virtual machines is now flowing into the storage account.
View the monitoring data in the storage account
If you have followed the preceding steps, data has begun flowing to your storage account.
For some data types, for example, the Activity Log, there needs to be some activity that generates an event in the storage account. To generate activity in the Activity Log, follow these instructions. You may need to wait up to five minutes before the event appears in the storage account.
In the portal, navigate to the Storage Accounts section by finding it on the left-hand navigation bar.
Identify the storage account you created in the preceding section and click on it.
Click on Blobs, then on the container labeled insights-operational-logs and finally on the container labeled name=default. This is the container that has your Activity Log in it. Monitoring data is broken out into containers by resource ID (just the subscription ID for the Activity Log), then by date and time. The full format for these blobs is:
insights-operational-logs/name=default/resourceId=/SUBSCRIPTIONS/{subscription ID}/y={four-digit numeric year}/m={two-digit numeric month}/d={two-digit numeric day}/h={two-digit 24-hour clock hour}/m=00/PT1H.json
Navigate to the PT1H.json file by clicking into the containers for resource ID, date, and time. Click on the PT1H.json file and click Download. Each PT1H.json blob contains a JSON blob of events that occurred within the hour specified in the blob URL (for example, h=12). During the present hour, events are appended to the PT1H.json file as they occur. The minute value (m=00) is always 00, since log events are broken into individual blobs per hour.
You can now view the JSON event that was stored in the storage account. For resource diagnostic logs, the format for the blobs is:
insights-logs-{log category name}/resourceId=/{resource ID}/y={four-digit numeric year}/m={two-digit numeric month}/d={two-digit numeric day}/h={two-digit 24-hour clock hour}/m=00/PT1H.json
Guest OS monitoring data is stored in tables. navigate back to the storage account home, and click Tables. There are tables for metrics, performance counters, and event logs.
You have now successfully set up monitoring data to be archived to a storage account.
Clean up resources
Navigate back to the Export Activity Log section from the preceding Route subscription logs to the storage account step, and click Reset.
Navigate to the Diagnostic Settings section, click the resource on which you created a diagnostic setting in the preceding Route resource data to the storage account step, then find the setting you created, click the Edit setting button and click Delete.
Navigate to the Diagnostic Settings section on the virtual machine you configured in the preceding Route virtual machine (guest OS) data to the storage accountstep, and under the Agent tab click Remove (beneath the Remove Azure Diagnostics agent section).
Navigate to the storage account you created in the preceding Create a storage account step and click Delete storage account. Type the name of the storage account, and then click Delete.
If you created a virtual machine or Logic App for the preceding steps, delete those as well.