Acronis Cyber Cloud Integration with ConnectWise Manage: product mapping check-list
If you're having difficulties setting up ConnectWise Manage integration or your setup doesn't produce the intended results check the steps below to see the most common mistakes and ways to quickly resolve them.
Make sure to revise the information provided in the Integration Guide to refresh the basics as well.
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- Company - Connectwise Manage Company entity managed through Companies section of Connectwise Manage - documentation
- Agreement - Connectwise Manage Agreement entity that allows financial operations management for specific Company - documentation
- Product - ConnectWise Manage Product entity supplying information about a single selling item - documentation
- Addition - Connectwise Manage Addition entity linking Product details to an Agreement - documentation
- Customer tenant (tenant) - Acronis Cyber Cloud Tenant entity of customer type created to manage backup operations - documentation
- Offering item - Acronis Cyber Cloud entity representing a specific type of provided service, such as backup of Workstation, Server, Office 365 seat, etc. - documentation
Common rules
The main rules for information transfer between a Connectwise Company and an Acronis Tenant are stored in the "product mapping" setting of integration. You need to apply all of the below rules to make sure the records can be successfully synchronized.
- Product Mapping and Provisioning must be enabled for the integration
- The corresponding Company must be mapped to an existing Tenant in the "company mapping" settings
- At least one Offering Item must be successfully mapped
- At least one Storage Location must be successfully mapped
Mapping and provisioning must be enabled
In the Settings -> Integration tab open your active integration settings and verify that the option is enabled
Mapping company to a tenant
Make sure the company you need to synchronize is mapped correctly.
In the Сompany mapping settings of integration find the company you're aiming for and make sure it's mapped. If it's not yet mapped, select the company, click Map to existing customer and in the drop-down list select a target Tenant.
You can map multiple companies and then use Apply mapping when ready to save changes.
Alternatively you can Map to new customer tenant if the Tenant doesn't exist in the Acronis Cyber Cloud platform yet.
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If for some reason the mapping doesn't succeed or produces errors you need to check the errors and, if they point to issues, go through the main check-list below and adjust the settings where necessary.
To successfully map an offering item or a storage location you need to consider a few possibilities described in the Integration Guide - Section 5.1
Depending on which type of payment you're aiming for the conditions split to "pay-as-you-go" (PAYG) and "pre-paid" (PRE) types. For PAYG type the tenant receives unlimited quotas and is being billed based on the amount of service consumed. For PRE type the tenant receives limited quotas. These types can be combined together (PAYG is preferred over PRE), but each type separately imposes certain requirements regardless of others.
If a company is mapped any manual changes in the Account Management Console will be discarded upon next synchronization event. These events trigger once every 10-30 minutes. If they do not trigger it means that the mapping is not working correctly and may have encountered errors - you can check "Company mapping" settings to verify that.
Common mapping conditions
- Company agreement is valid and actual:
- In the product mapping settings at least one offering item has a product mapped or is set to Free provisioning :
- The desired Default storage has a product mapped or is set to Free provisioning :
Untyped mapping
Applies to any offering item that doesn't have a product mapped OR the mapped product does not have a corresponding Addition in the Company Agreement
- If Free provisioning is set the quota will be set to Unlimited by default - backups of this item type will not be limited
- If Free provisioning is disabled the quota will be set to 0 by default - backups of this item type will be impossible
Behavior: The information about usage will not be synchronized between Acronis and Connectwise.
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Office 365 seats offering item has a mapped product, but this product is not added to additions.
Because the offering item is set to free provisioning the quota is unlimited and backup is allowed
Pre-paid type mapping conditions
- Offering item is mapped to a specific Product
- An Addition for corresponding Product exists in the Company Agreement
- Effective date is in the past
- Cancelled date is in the future (trigger for PRE type)
Behavior: "Total Quantity" value from Addition details will be synchronized towards a corresponding Offering item quota
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Acronis Backup location product is mapped to storage as an offering item.
Cancelled date is set which identifies this as PRE mappnig type. Because of that Quantity to Bill is transferred to the Console as quota value for the corresponding offering item.
Tenant will start receiving errors when they reach the specified quota value
Pay-as-you-go mapping conditions
- Offering item is mapped to a specific Product
- An Addition for corresponding Product exists in the Company Agreement
- Effective date is in the past
- Cancelled date is empty (trigger for PAYG type)
Behavior: Offering item count (actual usage) will be syncrhonized from Acronis to Connectwise "Total Quantity" value in the Addition details.
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Physical workstations (Acronis) product is mapped to Wokrstations offering item.
A corresponding agreement doesn't have a Cancelled date so the billing type is defined as PAYG. Quota is set to unlimited and device count is passed to the Addition on syncrhonization, allowing proper calculation of totall billed quantity.
Additional information
Non-default storage
If you provision a customer with a Storage that is not marked as Default Storage in the product mapping settings, it must have a PRE or PAYG mapping enabled.
Non-default storage can not have Free provisioning enabled which is why you need to map it with a specific type of mapping, otherwise you will end up with 0 quota for the Storage and inability to back up to the Cloud.
Combined billing types
For advanced scenarios you might set a pre-paid amount of service and charge customers for exceeded amount of usage. For this purpose you need to create two additions: one following the PRE type and another for PAYG type.
The PRE Addition quantity will be set as a soft quota for the specific offering item, while the "overage" value will be Unlimited, allowing user to go beyond the quota.
For proper billing in the PAYG Addition "Less included" value needs to be set for the same amount which PRE addition has in Total quantity. This way any excess of PRE Addition will be correctly added to the bill as per PAYG Addition.
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PRE addition: customer pays for 10 workstations regardless oh how many he backs up, 1$ per workstation
PAYG addition: for any workstaion over the basic 10 the customer will pay addition 5$ per workstation. If the total quantity is less than 10 the bill amount per this addition will remain at 0$.
Further troubleshooting
If you've verified the conditions and setup as per the check-list above and the results do not correspond to the expected behavior, please collect the following details and contact support:
- Screenshots from Connectwise Manage Agreement and Additions that show the related values and dates
- Name of the Partner group where the integration is enabled along with any account login name from that group
- Name of the affected customer group (at least one) that doesn't synchronize as expected