Acronis Files Cloud: how to verify registered storage and update the registration
You have registered a Partner storage with the Acronis Files Cloud per the KB article and made a mistake in the registration command, thus Acronis Files Cloud is failing to upload because the storage has not been correctly registered.
Possible scenarios could be:
- You tried to fill in the following encryption parameter in the command: encryption=aes256&use_ssl=true
You received a syntax error from, so you changed it to ?encryption=aes256?use_ssl=true and proceeded with registration. - In the registration statement, you didn't put quotes around the storage URL, so not all parameters got registered. The quotes are necessary when the command is run in Bash.
- You put the storage address with upper and lower case in the storage name (either in "--infra-name=" or "--infra-url=" parameters)
If the storage was registered incorrectly it needs to be updated.
First of all you need to list the currently registered storages for a tenant: --action=list --host=<account server host URL> --login=<account login> --password=<account password>
To update the URL you need the ID and Version of the storage. For example:
INFO: Infrastructure component information: ID: fc6f5511-206b-4a0e-****-8580e5f55645 Owner ID: cc8ac143-3010-****-89f5-7dafd15f4bc4 Inherited: False Name: example URL: s3://<Access ID>:<Secret access key> Capabilities: [files_cloud] Version: 1 Content URL: Not set Content mobile URL: Not set
To update the URL use the similar command which you used to register it using infra-tool: --action=update --host=<account server host URL> --login=<account login> --password=<account password> --infra-id=<ID from the previous command> --infra-version=<Version from the previous command> --infra-url='s3://<Access ID>:<Secret access key>'