How do I request the Action Log for my migration project?
Sign in to your MigrationWiz account.
Click on the green Go To My Projects bar. This will list your projects.
On the far right, click on the bar graph icon as shown in the screenshot below:
Select Email Project Action Logs.
Click the OK button to receive an email with the requested information for your project.
The Project Action Log currently will include the following actions in the log file: Start full Migration, Stop Migration, Item Moved, Item Added, Item Edited, Item Deleted, and Advanced Options Updated. The log will include when the changes were done, which account did that change, and which items in the project were changed.
The Advanced Options will currently only show that the options were changed. It will not show what changes were made.
If an email address is updated, all log entries pertaining to that email address are updated to reflect the current email address in the project.
Important: The action logs may have a delay of up to 30 minutes before recent actions are listed. If you do not see expected actions listed in the report, wait 30 minutes and request again.
By default, project logs are only sent to the email address that is listed under your MSPComplete profile. Your profile can be viewed or edited from your MSPComplete Dashboard, under Account > Edit Profile > Email Address.
If you want to add additional recipients to receive the action logs, you can add their email address(es) under the MigrationWiz project Advanced Options > Notifications sections.
Select your MigrationWiz project so that you are taken to the user dashboard.
Click the Edit Project menu.
Select Advanced Options.
In the Notifications section, check the Additional Recipients box.
Add the email addresses you wish to receive copies of the logs. If you want to add more than one email address, separate them with commas.
Click Save.
Request the Action Logs.