How do I set up a migration without administrator credentials?
There are two ways to set up a migration in cases where you either do not have an administrator account to use or the environment does not support an administrator account. Both options are listed below with links to the steps to use for a migration project.
Automatically requesting user credentials:
This option allows you to set up the project and tell MigrationWiz that you do not know the username or passwords for the users. MigrationWiz will then send an email to each user in the project with a link to grant access.
To use this automatic option, see What if I don't know the credentials for the item I want to migrate?
Manually enter user credentials:
This option is to manually enter the user credentials. The easiest way to do this is to use the Bulk Add option for adding users to your project. It is also possible to edit each user to add user logins and passwords individually. This option does require you to either gather the passwords from users or reset the user mailboxes to something that you know and control.
To use the Bulk Add option, see How do I import mailboxes into the system without entering them one at a time?
Note: The only columns required in the Bulk Add CSV are the Source Email and Destination Email. For adding user credentials, you will only need to include the Login Name and Password for the environment that you will not be using an administrator account for. This may be just the Source or just the destination, or both.
To add user logins and passwords individually follow these steps:
Open your Project to see the list of items to be migrated.
For each account that you wish to edit, click on the Edit Items button (the pencil icon on the far right side of the screen).
Add the user login and password for the environments that need them. This may be the Source or the Destination or both.
Click on Save Items.