Can I add folder mapping in MigrationWiz?
Yes. Use the folder mapping support option to map a Source folder to a Destination folder. For example, when you want to map the "Inbox" folder on the Source to an "Old Inbox" folder on the Destination in a mailbox migration.
The folder mapping support option uses regular expression (regex) and is added to the Advanced Options screen for individual items or for an entire migration project, which applies to all items in the migration project. This article provides detailed information about using the folder mapping Support Option for mailbox migrations and some examples of how the folder mapping support option can be modified to work for you.
Add folder mapping for a migration project
Follow these steps to add folder mapping to a migration project, which applies to all items in the migration project:
From the MigrationWiz dashboard, click on the migration project that will have the folder mapping added.
From the migration project page, click Edit Project and then select Advanced Options.
In the Support Option section, add this support option:
Note: Replace "SourceFolder" and "DestinationFolder" with the names of the folders in the Source and Destination environments.
Click the "+" sign to add the folder mapping.
Click Save.
Add folder mapping for an individual mailbox
Important: If you are migrating an entire mailbox into a single subfolder of a Destination mailbox, then you must add additional advanced support options for calendar and contact items. Otherwise, you'll experience problems accessing migrated items at the destination. Read the Can I migrate a Source mailbox into a single subfolder of a Destination mailbox? article for additional instructions.
Follow these steps to add a folder mapping to an individual item in a mailbox migration project:
From the MigrationWiz dashboard, click on the migration project that contains the item that will have folder mapping added.
From the migration project page, find the item that will have folder mapping.
Click the Edit icon (pencil icon) on the right side for that individual item to open its Advanced Options.
In the Support Option section, add this support option:
Note: Replace "SourceFolder" and "DestinationFolder" with the names of the folders in the Source and Destination environments.
Click the "+" sign to add the folder mapping.
Click Save Item.
Folder mapping examples
Here are a few examples of folder mapping commands and processes, along with special notes for those specific mappings.
FolderMapping="^Sent Emails->My Sent Items" This maps the "Sent Emails" folder to a folder named "My Sent items".
FolderMapping="^Inbox->Managed Folder" This maps the "Inbox" folder to a folder named "Managed Folder".
FolderMapping="^.*$->DestinationFolder" This maps all files across all source folders into a single folder on the Destination.
Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment.
^.*$: Is the regex version of "Select All". (^) Match beginning of string; (.*) Any characters; ($) Match end of string.
FolderMapping="^Documents->Documents/DestinationFolder" This maps the Documents folder from GoogleDrive to the defined Destination folder, under Documents folder, on Microsoft OneDrive:
Note: Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment.
FolderMapping="^->DestinationFolder/" This maps everything from the root level down into a single folder on the Destination, while maintaining the folder hierarchy within the Destination folder. Be sure to add the / (forward slash symbol) at the end of the folder name to tell MigrationWiz to create a new subfolder under that Destination folder. Be careful with this, as it will map system folders as well as regular folders (such as Google Drive's "Permissions" folder). WARNING: If migrating a mailbox to a specific Destination folder, this command can cause items to become inaccessible due to the order of migration. See the Can I migrate a Source mailbox into a single subfolder of a Destination mailbox? for the correct folder mapping for a Destination subfolder scenario.
Note: Replace "DestinationFolder" with the name of the folder in the Destination environment.
FolderMapping="^Floor 5-A5-8-T4-\(AV\+TC\)->Calendar" This maps the "Floor 5-A5-8-T4-(AV+TC)" folder to the "Calendar" folder. The part to the left of "->" is regex, so special characters need to be escaped. In the above example, the special characters are escaped with a back slash before the special characters.
Additional information about folder mapping
The Source folders may be different (at the API level) from what is displayed in the user interface or Outlook. Therefore, when defining the folder mappings, pay special attention to the exact format of the folder name (e.g., [Gmail]/Sent for Sent).
We recommend that you use Regex Hero to test your regular expression code.
{%escape%}is a reserved word that must be avoided when creating folder mappings. If original folder names in the Source end with {%escape%}, they must be manually renamed before migration.