How do I create an SQL Azure database to be used for BitTitan Audit Logging?
This is a two-step process:
Create SQL Database
Configure Firewall Settings
1. Create SQL Database
Log in to your Azure account at
Click on SQL Database, in the left-hand column.
Click on Add, in the right-hand column.
Under the Database Name field, enter "AuditEventLog" as the name.
Under the Subscription field, select the relevant Subscription you wish to use.
Under the Resource Group field, create a new Resource Group or use an existing one.
Under the Select Source field, keep the default option 'Blank Database' selected.
Under the Server field, click on the > to configure the required settings.
Under the Pricing tier field, select the pricing tier you require. (Recommended setting is Standard S3: 100 DTU, 250GB.)
Keep the default setting under Collation.
Click on Create.
Note: You may need to log out and log in again before your new SQL Database will show in your portal.
2. Configure Firewall Settings
Select the Resource Group that you created the SQL database server in.
Click on Overview.
Click on the SQL database AuditEventLog, then click on Set Server Firewall at the top of the screen.
Add the following IP address information
Under Rule name, enter ALL
Under Start IP address, enter
Under End IP address, enter:
Make sure that Allow access to Azure services is set to ON.
Note: This is a required configuration since, by default, no one has access.
You are now ready to enable audit logging within your MigrationWiz project.
Refer to What is the BitTitan Audit Logging Service and what parameters need to be set? for more information on how to enable audit logging within your MigrationWiz project Advanced Options.