What does the progress bar indicate?
The bar length indicates the number of folders processed so far. Because folders typically vary in size, the bar length does not necessarily correspond to the total percentage of items processed. The bar may remain "stuck" at the same length for an extended period of time if the folder being migrated is very large.
The number (for example: 112.18 MB) indicates the amount of data transferred so far. This number will increase constantly, showing the total data transfered thus far, and is independent of the bar length.
You can access more detailed progress statistics for each mailbox by doing the following:
Sign in to your MigrationWiz account. :http://migrationwiz.bittitan.com/
Locate the Item and click on its status.
NOTE: The timestamp indicates when the statistics were last updated. If the statistics have not been updated within a few minutes, it means that the migration is currently in retry mode. The statistics will continue to be updated once the retry limit has been exhausted. This may potentially take 15-30 minutes, depending on your server settings.