Step-by-Step Instructions for Golden Image
There are three registry entries that should be added to a host pool in a WVD environment
Steps to take
- From the NAP, boot up the Golden image by going in to Servers > in the Golden Image section select the Power on button
- Record the IP for the Golden Image and wait for the virtual machine to finish powering on
- Login to FS01 as a domain administrator
- Once logged in to FS01, RDP to the IP of the Golden Image using the same set of domain admin credentials
- From the Gold Image desktop, select the Windows key/start button and type regedit
- The registry path where values need to be added:
- HKLM\SOFTWARE\FSLogix\Profiles
- In the editor, right click and add new DWORD entries for each of the following and set the value to 1
- DeleteLocalProfileWhenVHDShouldApply
- PreventLoginWithFailure
- PreventLoginWithTempProfile
- Verify that the VHDLocations and RedirXMLSourceFolder contains the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for FS01 ( in the example above). NOTE: If you've replaced the default AD domain name with your own, be sure to make the proper changes above in the VHDLocations and RedirXMLSourceFolder registry entries.
- Sign out of the Golden Image session
- Via the NAP, go to Servers > in the Golden Image section choose Power off to commit changes
- The Golden Image will now be available for use in creating new host pools or personal desktops